An enema is a procedure where a liquid solution is inserted into the colon via a tube through the rectum. The liquid softens stools in the colon and can stimulate muscle contractions that expel the stool from the colon. Depending on what ingredients you use in your enema kit, you can detoxify heavy metals, reverse gut disease, and boost the immune system. Popular enema solutions include hot water enemas and coffee enemas. They’re most often used to treat constipation or clear out the bowels before a medical procedure. You can also combine the enemas with Acupuncture and Fire Cupping or a Colonic Irrigation.
Water enemas are the simplest form you can use. They help clean the colon and soften your stools. If you are just starting to use enemas, this is the best place to start before trying additional ingredients.

This is probably the strongest and most popular enema
The coffee enema is safe even for people who are sensitive to caffeine because the coffee remains in the sigmoid colon, where it will not be absorbed. T
The coffee enema has been used for many years to detoxify the liver. There is a duct between the sigmoid colon and the liver called the entero-hepatic circulation system. When the stool reaches this point, it contains many toxins, which are sent to the liver for detoxification. The coffee enema will increase the transit time in the bowel. The caffeine that is absorbed into the entero-hepatic system causes the liver ducts, including the bile ducts, to empty into the sigmoid colon and be eliminated. Releasing the toxins in the liver ducts, makes room for toxins from the body to enter the liver for detoxification. The alkaloids in the caffeine stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways.
Coffee enema supporters claim the procedure provides these additional benefits:
boosts immunity.
cleanses the liver and the gallbladder
increase energy.
stops yeast overgrowth.
treats autoimmune diseases.
removes parasites from the digestive tract.
removes heavy metals from the body.
treats depression.
treats cancer.

The wheatgrass enema is similar to a coffee enema, but differs in that wheatgrass is loaded with nutrients and oxygen that the body can use. Wheatgrass is used as a detoxifier in drinking it, and is also a detoxifier when given in an enema. It also has cleansing agents for the colon.

It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, forcing stool to squeeze out easily.
The Ricinoleic acid in castor oil causes contractions in the walls of the intestines that helps push the faecal matter out as stools. This helps relieve constipation. Castor oil also has the property to prevent absorption of liquids from the intestines. This ensures easier passage of the waste. Its other castor oil enema benefits include:
*Softens stool
*Controls bloating due to gas
*Helps with arthritis and rheumatism
*Helps cure sexual disorders
*Alleviates back pain
*Controls Vata

Black walnut hulls can be one of the best parasite cleanse out there. Black walnut hulls come from the black walnut tree. The benefits of black walnut hulls consist of anti parasite compounds, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal.
These benefits are even better for many forms of parasites that can be harboring in your body. The best compounds contained in black walnut hulls are active ingredients known as iodine, tannin, and juglone.
These different forms of compounds all play vital in the killing of parasites even in adult parasite stages. What Black Walnut hull does is oxygenate the blood to kill parasites. The brown color and stain found is what holds majority of the antiseptic and healing properties.
The hulls are also used to balance sugar levels, which helps the body burn up excessive toxins and fatty materials.
Parasite Infection Symptoms:
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Joint and Muscle Aches
Skin Conditions
Sleep Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Cloudy Thought processes
Runny Nose
Loss of Appetite
Yeast Infection
The reason Parasite Enema Cleanse is very important is that parasites can cause a lot of damage to our bodies, weakening our immune system causing diseases.